Re: GtkFileChooser + preview widget + svg

Am Tue, 27 Jul 2004 14:05:09 +0200 schrieb Andreas Volz:

I created a GtkFileChooser with preview widget in my application. It
works great and if I click on a non-previewable it displays nothing
and if I click on a previewable image it displays the image. But if I
on a svg image my application crashes with a "Floating point

If I try to debug my application with gdb it crashes while opening the
GtkFileChooser before I can click on something with:

Program received signal SIG32, Real-time event 32.
0x40436984 in pthread_getconcurrency () from /lib/

So perhaps theres something other broken? Can someone see the problem
or should I give you some sourcecode? I mainly used the code from the
API docs.

Forget it. Distro specific problem. I tested it with Debian unstable
with same gtk version and there're no problems. I should report it to


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