RE: Newbie & timing issue

On Thu, 8 Jul 2004 martyn 2 russell bt com wrote:

Between warnings this warning program's form must not appear on the screen. ie
The warning will popup and display for a predefined period of time and then
disappear till next time.

Can this be done with gtk+ in windows ?


Now the timing issue is something I can handle if this was a console program
I am asking if a gtk+ created form can be made to appear and disappear on
requests from the program.

Yes it can.  It would be a GtkWindow or a GtkDialog, either way, it is a
GtkWidget and you can use gtk_widget_hide () and gtk_widget_show () with the

As for timing, I suggest you look into g_timeout_add () unless you already have that covered :)

Thank you Martyn.

Now for my next trick I would like to restart the display after receiving a
interrupt rather than take up memory & cycles while counting down.

Is there a way that my program could instigate/initiate an interrupt to occur at
some time in the future?


Alf Stockton

A bird in the hand makes it awfully hard to blow your nose.

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