Re: "Refresh Button"?

Quoted by a mob of cyborg monkeys
For `"Mee Com" <writemessage hotmail com>' 
On Monday, 19 January 2004 (13:09):

so is this relate with GTK timeout? or what widget in GTK+2.0 that I should 
use for this function?

        Just use a button and make it call some function that will reload your data and
redisplay it. It has nothing to do with GLib's timeout, unless you need timed

        Remember that GTK+ is "just" a library to do your user interface, it has
nothing to do with your application besides that...


 Leandro Pereira              (oO)           <leandro linuxmag com br>

        "Não há nada mais trabalhoso do que viver sem trabalhar"
                -- Seu Madruga

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