Re: Fork with gtk+-2.0

On Tue, 06 Jan 2004 09:39:12 +0100
GЭnther Rapp <guenther rapp-informatik de> wrote:

"Alphex K." schrieb:

On Mon, 5 Jan 2004 15:04:15 +0300
"Alphex K." <alphex crew org ru> wrote:

pid_t pid;
pid = fork();

if ((pid=fork())==0)
     execlp("/bin/xvkbd", "-geometry 800x185-0-0", NULL);
     g_print("Fork failed\n");

You've left out a lot of details. You need to register a singal handler for
SIGCHLD. If you want to communitate with the child process, you have to setup
pipes etc.

It's better to use one of g_spawn_async or g_spawn_async_with_pipes or
g_spawn_command_line_async. They take care of a lot of the details for you.

So. I'm think that in my code I can use standart unix non named pipes, if
I create it,ofcouse I'm must use GLib functions to get platform independency,
but I'm don't need for it ;-)

 I also have the same problems with fork I only need native unix/linux
fork like done the last 20 years.
 I figured out that the fork system call does not work with threads I
dont know why so long I found
 no reason what happens.
I'm think that you have troubles in your source code 
If I do not start the thread the same code
works well.
I'm think that U must use : a) only fork(); b) only threads,
because it true unix way I think ;-)
Using the system call
 I have no problem to start a second task but then I dont have the
 process id to send a signal when the
 first process exits.
So use an another variable to fork() , it may work
I also do not need pipes and stuff like this I
communicate with shared memory.
so, it rules ;-)
 By this way setting up named pipes for sync communications is really
easy and do not need calls I dont know
 what happens behind
in this processes U can use a non named pipes , if U want I can write how it 
to do

Alphex Kaanoken
Senior developer of Crew IT research labs
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