Re: disable Gtk warnings

I don´t agree with the *will* crash because I´m producing an aplication and I sometimes apear some warnigs one case, when I pass NULL to a pointer after make gtk_widget_destroy(), if I don´t pass it will fail in tests I´ll make after and if I pass apear the gtk warnings!

Owen Taylor <otaylor redhat com> wrote:
On Sat, 2004-02-07 at 01:30, Harsha(Hotmail) wrote:
> Hi,
> I am developing an application in linux using Gtk+, GDK, glib and
> gnome-print.
> Can any body tell me Is there any Debug & Release version of Gtk
> Library?
> Or how can I disable warnings which Gtk shows.?
> It shows warning with source file name and line number, which I dont
> want to display in release version of my application

GTK+ warnings are warnings about incorrect code in your application,
you should consider them to be as necessary to fix as a segfault.
The GTK+ development policy is to not print a warning unless
an actual bug in application code has been detected.

While it is theoretically possible to drop the warning messages
on the floor (poke around the GLib API docs), this is a horribly bad
idea. GTK+ can actually be compiled without the checks that are
producing the warnings; in that case your application *will* crash.


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