Re: Deploying GTK on win


My procedure is not very elegant, but works just fine: the main GTK 
dlls go into the same directory as the executable.  The auxiliary 
dlls (e.g. image loaders, pango modules) go into a tree that starts 
in the same directory, with the usual GTK structure.

With this setup, no registry or path entries are required.

Allin Cottrell

Are the auxiliary dlls on the subtree so that GTK can find them ? I will have
to play more with that -- and also figure out what is the minimum set of DLL
needed to have an app. running.

 It would help if anyone already has that list (so that I don't ship dev. stuff
that is not needed).

I think I will stick to having all the dll in the same dir as my app.  That
way, I can just use a simple InnoSetup script.

 Thanks to all for the quick replies !! 


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