Re: libgnome & Windows

On Tue, 7 Dec 2004, Andreas Volz wrote:

Am Tue,
        7 Dec 2004 15:52:52 +0000 (Local time zone must be set--see zic manual
        page) schrieb Alf C Stockton:

But I guess that wasn't really the answer that you were asking

You are correct, that is not the answer I was looking for. I want to
be able to build on both Windows and Linux and not have to alter the
code any more, if any, than necessary.

If you need more functionality that gtk has, perhaps you should use
wxwindows. In Linux wxwindows uses the gtk backend and in Windows the
MFC backend. I think with wxwindows you won't miss Gnome. Hm, which
functions do you need in Gnome that aren't in gtk?

I actually have GTK+ working OK in both Linux & WinXP but it was suggested that rather than generate code for my applications windows via Glade I should use XML. ie Use the *.glade file directly via XML, this apparently allows one to change the applications appearance without having to recompile.


Alf Stockton

Noncombatant, n.:
        A dead Quaker.
                -- Ambrose Bierce

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