Re: GtkFileChooser (I figured it out ! - finally)

  I finally figured it out... if we use any of the responses:


   then, the dialog may decide to do something else and not close the dialog:

 From the docs:

 "This is because GtkFileChooserDialog must intercept responses and switch to
folders if appropriate, rather than letting the dialog terminate ? the
implementation uses these known response codes to know which responses can be
blocked if appropriate."

  All I had to do was to come up with my own response ID. 

  The only dark side is this (again, from the docs).

 " To summarize, make sure you use a stock response code when you use
GtkFileChooserDialog to ensure proper operation."


--- Harring Figueiredo <harringf yahoo com> wrote:

 Thanks again for the reply. I took a look at the test program as you
suggested. I got my code now to show only folders (it is exactly what I

 There is little problem though.

 Even though I connect the "response" signal to a callback, it seems that the

 dialog_run doesn't return until there are no folders selected, i.e if a
contains subfolders, a click on the "Open" button  "navigates" that folder. 

 I have tried this:

 g_signal_connect (dialog, "response",
                                G_CALLBACK (dir_response_cb), NULL);
 gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));

 The problem is that if a folder has subfolders, the "Open" button 'opens'
folders, an calls the callback function, but does not return from the
dialog_run() call.

  I also have tried:

  if ( gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)) == ...RESP..._ACCEPT)

   Again, it only returns when there are no more folders to be 'navigated' or

   I am sure I am missing something really stupid somewhere --


--- John Cupitt <jcupitt gmail com> wrote:

I think it does work (unless I misunderstand you, in which case sorry), try


set it to SELECT_FOLDER, pick a folder, click OK.

On Thu, 2 Dec 2004 07:08:39 -0800 (PST), Harring Figueiredo
<harringf yahoo com> wrote:
  Yes.. except that it does not allow me to pick a folder name. i.e, if I
on  "Open", it will not close and return the name of the folder, it
naigates the folder contents.. that is not what I want.

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