RE: Size of application is huge

Hmm...., I tried getting memprof 0.5.1 from rpmfind (the link you gave seems to not quite be working at the 
moment), but it dies when trying to load my program; doesn't even get to main(). And I can't build it from 
source, because there are some devel libs I don't have.

This, BTW seems to be the case a lot in Mandrake, which makes it a real pain to develop on - every bloody 
time I want to build something from source that everybody else seems to assume one just does, it turns out 
that Mandrake doesn't have the relevant libs, and that trying to install the missing packages will mean 
upgrading just about everything in the system. Sometimes I wonder why I even try; but Mandrake is otherwise a 
nice distribution - it's good for sound and comes with the right applications. Can't imagine why they can't 
get the last bits right.


-----Original Message-----
From:   John Cupitt [mailto:jcupitt gmail com]
Sent:   Thu 05-Aug-04 23:08
To:     Andersen, Jan
Cc:     gtk-app-devel-list gnome org
Subject:        Re: Size of application is huge
I'd try memprof, it's a very handy tool for tracking memory leaks. It
uses LD_PRELOAD to intercept malloc/free and takes a copy of the stack
for each call. On exit it'll show you a backtrace for every malloc()
which wasn't freed.

There should be a package for it on your mandrake CD, otherwise get
the source from

On Thu, 5 Aug 2004 15:58:39 +0100, Andersen, Jan
<jandersen informatica com> wrote:
I don't think I do it wrong, but it is my first application with GNOME (always stuck to server code, much 
cleaner). I tried to recompile without -g, but it still uses 317MB. And I put in getchars() after each 
widget was allocated - this shows me that they each time I allocate a notebook or liststore the application 
grows about 8 - 10MB (seen in gnome-system-monitor).

BTW - I use Mandrake 10 if that makes any difference.


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