Re: New user objecting to using stolen software


I forgot to say that MinGW is an instance of gcc to windows. To use GTK, you must get the installers 
separatedelly ( and install it after you installed MinGW.

Paulo Ricardo

On Wed, 28 Apr 2004 09:40:56 -0300, "Paulo Ricardo " <artigos pauloricardo eng br> escreveu:

De: "Paulo Ricardo " <artigos pauloricardo eng br>
Data: Wed, 28 Apr 2004 09:40:56 -0300
Para: Alf C Stockton <alf stockton co za>
Assunto: Re: New user objecting to using stolen software

 On Mon, 26 Apr 2004, Alf C Stockton wrote:
 > I have been given a task of developing a C program for Windows despite
 > being a Linux/command line person.
 > I believe that gtk supports Windows but now where do I start?
 > What should I download and install?
 > My "using stolen software" in the Subject refers to the fact that I don't,
 > unless I have to, want to use Visual Studio or .Net as I do not intend paying
 > for same and would prefer to do the development on my Linux box and port to
 > Windows when complete.

Hi Alf,

As you, I am not a fan of Visual Studio.

I've started to use GTK at Linux, and, when I needed to make use of GTK at Windows environment. I tryed and 
liked of MinGW associated either to MSYS, an Windows emulator of Linux environment, (both from, or to Dev-C++ (a graphic IDE project organizer to C/C++ code, that you can get at or With both, I got good results.

I think that can be possible to use GTK with Visual Studio, and I am trying to fo it now, but  I don't know 
if have someone tried it before.

Good Luck

Paulo Ricardo
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gtk-app-devel-list gnome org

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