Re: gtk_timeout_add functionality

On Wed, 2004-04-21 at 12:11 -0700, Peter Rowat wrote:
I want to call a compute-intensive function as fast as possible.
gtk_timeout_add doesn't appear to let me do this. 
If I set the interval too small (e.g. 1) the function doesn't get called. 
I tried setting the interval to 0 or -1 in case this would do what I want but no luck. 

I can guess/test the minimum interval to use, but this will vary.
Is there some other way to have the GTK-main loop call a function as fast as possible?

Or, could someone add this to gtk_timeout_add?

-- Peter Rowat

In this case, you may be better off doing the computations in a separate
thread, and updating the UI (or whatever) from an idle function in the
main thread -- or from inside the computation thread.
(the FAQ on appears to be missing)

g_idle_add_full () will let you control the priority of the idle handler
-- you can set it to just below the priority of GTK+ UI events to allow
redrawing and such to work.


    Jim Cape

    "We still name our military helicopter gunships after victims
     of genocide. Nobody bats an eyelash about that: Blackhawk.
     Apache. And Comanche. If the Luftwaffe named its military
     helicopters Jew and Gypsy, I suppose people would notice."
       -- Noam Chomsky, "Propaganda and the Public Mind"

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