Re: Out of memory conditions and g_malloc

On Wed, 2003-09-24 at 12:36, Philippe Laporte wrote:
    The documentation at

"gpointer g_malloc( gulong size );

This is a replacement for malloc(). You do not need to check the return 
value as it is done for you in this function. If the memory allocation 
fails for whatever reasons, your applications will be terminated.

Is there a way to specify a handler for when memory allocation fails, so 
that we may have the opportunity to get something more graceful than a 
terminated application?


allows you to replace the backend function that g_malloc() uses; with
the caveat that:
 - The function still needs to return the requested memory - if it
   returns NULL, g_malloc() will abort.

 - The function cannot call any GLib or GTK+ functions, because of
   reentrancy concerns.

So, the function is restricted to doing things like a) wait, b) free up
a "parachute" block of memory c) free up application specific caches 
d) communciate with another process to put up notification to the user.


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