GtkHScale with alphanumerical values?

What I basically need is a GtkHScale which shows non-numerical values,
i.e. "low", "middle" and "high" instead of "1", "2" and "3".

Since the standard GtkHScale supports only numerical values I'm planning
to implement this via GtkHScrollbar, an associated GtkLabel and a
"value_changed" handler for the GtkScrollbar. Though behaving slightly
uglier than a native GtkHScale, it works.

It's a formation of sliders where a quick overview of the positions of
the sliders (the "value layout") is considered as important as the value
texts. That's why GtkCombos or GtkOptionMenus are not suitable here.

My question is just whether there'a a better / another (recommended) way
to accomplish this? Without extra widget libraries to add? Are
alphanumerical slider widgets perhaps planned for future GTK versions?

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