Re: ANSI graphics in a GtkTextView Window

Quoted by a gathering of undead agents
For `Mark Hoover <mahoover ispaceonline org>' 
On Monday, 20 October 2003 (20:08):

I'm in the process of trying to write an application in GTK and would 
like to be able to read in a file containing ANSI graphics (*.ans) and 
display this in a window of some sort.  Will GtkTextView automatically 
translate these sequences?  Is there already a pre-built widget to do 
this that Google just isn't finding or am I pretty much on my own with 
this one?

        There are some terminal emulator widgets available for GTK+. Maybe, with some
hacking, you'll be able to load those files inside them.


 Leandro Pereira              (oO)           <leandro linuxmag com br>

          "Ás vezes você está discutindo com um imbecil...
                  e ele também." --Millôr Fernandes

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