Re: subscribe (should be: drawing circles)

On Thursday October 16 2003 18:50 CEST, raghvendra singh wrote:
hello friends,
               i want to know how to draw a circle in
gtk. i have little bit knowledge of gdk
You can't use Gtk+ for drawing a circle. Gtk+ is a library
fot creating a GUI by using widgets (class of GObject) like
GtkButton, GtkMenu etc. But you can use some GtkWidgets to
display your drawn circles or lines in a Gtk+ Application.
For drawing circles Gdk is the right development tool. I
reccomend you to read the Gdk API (if not done you should
install devhelp or browse the html files you can find in
/usr/share/doc/libgtk2.0-doc/gdk with a HTML browser). For
drawing any things there are functions like gdk_draw_line()
and so on.

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