Re: pause/resume timer

On Mon, 20 Oct 2003, Johannes [utf-8] WeiÃ?l wrote:


is it possible to pause/resume a started GTimer?!
If not, is there a portable (the program should
run on Windows and Linux) solution for this problem?

Timers is a very operating system dependent thing.

Layers above the operating system tries to give a uniform
access to some concepts.

If you look at setitmer in FreeBSD and Linux there is some
subtile differenses.

man setitimer

---< FreeBSD >----

  If it_value is non-zero, it indicates the time to the next timer expira-
  tion.  If it_interval is non-zero, it specifies a value to be used in
  reloading it_value when the timer expires.  Setting it_value to 0
  disables a timer, regardless of the value of it_interval.  Setting
  it_interval to 0 causes a timer to be disabled after its next expiration
  (assuming it_value is non-zero).

---< Linux >----

  Timers decrement from it_value to zero, generate a signal,
  and  reset  to  it_interval.  A timer which is set to zero
  (it_value is zero or the timer expires and it_interval  is
  zero) stops.


In FreeBSD the timer is "disabled" and in Linux it "stops". Is this
the same thing as beeing restartable? You have to experiment! And
look carefully for the kernel version.

Windows - forgetit!

Try the following code on Windows

---<This will kill windows!>---

int *pointer;

    pointer = malloc(10000);


So forget about timers there... ;-)

Göran Hasse

Göran Hasse            email: gh raditex se     Tel: 08-6949270
Raditex AB       Fax: 08-4420570
Sickla Alle 7, 1tr                              Mob: 070-5530148

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