Re: Need help


mohammad alam wrote:

I tried to use your given solution. but an error occurs like:
undefined references to

You should have tried gtk_spin_button_set_increments () but probably it
doesn't matter. I just noticed that gtk_spin_button_set_increments () is
new in GTK 2.x and apparently not available in 1.x.

   Can it be possible to readust the arguments of
 gtk_adjustment_new(), where more than one step
 increment can be done for different upper values.

Every GtkAdjustment contains only one step increment.
Every GtkSpinButton contains only one GtkAdjustment.

Therefore it's apparently not possible to assign multiple step
increments statically (without further program intervention) to one

As i am a student and relaively a beginner learning Gtk 1.2,
Please give an easier and precise solution for this problem.

If you're just learning anyway I would recommend to learn GTK 2.x and
not (probably soon to be) obsoleted 1.x.

My examples can rather easily be converted from using
gtk_spin_button_set_increments () to using GtkAdjustments. It's just a
bit more complex. Basically you need to add extra variables,
initializations and parameters to the (changed) function calls. GTK 2.x
provides new shortcuts to simplify work at some points.
gtk_spin_button_set_increments () is one of these.

However, having a brief look at the GTK 1.x API documentation I couldn't
find the signals for GtkSpinButton. Either the documentation on that is
incomplete or they're an invention of GTK 2.x (don't know at the
moment). Without signals for GtkSpinButton my examples are not
realizable. Your rather uncommon feature request may require you to
switch to GTK 2.x, at least if you like to use the approach I suggested.
It's possible that it's simply not accomplishable in 1.x.

Note: you should really work on your subject lines!

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