Re: gtktreeview causes display bugs

On Fri, 2003-10-17 at 10:18, Jean Collonville wrote:
      I've designed an application that uses a GtkTreeView to display a list
of records.

My problem is that every times I refresh the view some of the controls
are becoming black!
On this screenshot :
you can see the first cell in the second row that get a black
background. Sometimes the bug can appear on some other controls.

I am creating my treeview (defined in glade and accessed by libglade) by
using a gtk_list_store_new and simply insering some

Does anyone get the problem already or have some hints, I can't find the
problem reported anywhere ?

This sounds like a video driver bug. Are you running the nVidia
proprietary drivers? If so, try turning off acceleration of RENDER
in your config file and it will likely fix the problem.


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