thread confusion, please help

I have written an application that queries an odbc database on a
timeout, while the query is being executed, everything else stops
(understandably). I would like to use threads, but I have no experience
with threads. I read the gtk+2 tutorial, and studied the example, copied
the example into a file and tried to compile. It failed dismally. I have
a stock standard linux mandrake 9.1 with gtk2 dev libs. I can use
anjuta/glade to develop a gtk+2 gui on my system, so I do not think that
I am missing any libraries.

my compile cammand:
gcc -o gtk-thread gtk-thread.c `gtk-config --cflags --libs gthread`

gcc response:
/tmp/ccpVImeH.o(.text+0x17f): In function `main':
: undefined reference to `gdk_threads_init'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Please help.


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