Re: add function in main loop


On Sat, Oct 04, 2003 at 09:18:41PM +0200, Laurent Houdusse wrote:

     gtk_idle_add((GtkFunction)oDw3D.RenderFrame, NULL);
but when i compile, i have an error:
     'type cast' : cannot convert from '' to 'int (__cdecl *)(void *)'

why?? what is the problem?

The problem is that you try to use a C++ object method as a callback.
Either you have to use a regular function (outside an object), or use a
static method. You can from within the callback still access the object
you want by passing it in as the user data part.

Something along these lines:

class dw3D {
        static void RenderFrame_cb (void*); // make void* a gpointer if you wish
        void RenderFrame (void);

void dw3D::RenderFrame_cb (void* data) {
        (static_cast<dw3D*> (data))->RenderFrame();

// dw3D::Renderframe definition as usual

// in main():
        gtk_idle_add (G_CALLBACK (dw3D::RenderFrame_cb), &oDw3D);

Note that user data passed to callbacks has to be pointers, so it may be
a better idea to declare oDw3D as a pointer-to-object right from the start.



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