Re: TreeView problems

John K Luebs wrote:

On Fri, May 02, 2003 at 09:54:18AM -0700, Mike Oliphant wrote:
I've got a simple, three-column TreeView from a GktListStore. When the app is resized, I want the first column to expand while the second and third columns stay fixed size.

Even if I make the second and third colums fixed width (doing both 'set_sizing' and 'set_fixed_width') the third colum gets expanded when the app is resized.
I think you're looking for an expand property on GtkTreeViewColumn?
This was added to CVS after the 2.2 release.

Thanks for the heads-up. I'll look forward to that. Meanwhile, the only solution I've found is to manually fix the column size and manually update it every time the window is resized. Ugly, but it mostly works.

Secondly, I want the first column to start a fixed size, regardless of the contents of the data in the list store.
A min_width of -1 for the first column should take care of this.
Does that only work with recend CVS code (ie: in conjunction with the new expand property)? I didn't have any luck with it in 2.2 -- there doesn't seem to be any way to specify an inital default column size without setting it to a fixed size...


Mike Oliphant                                      oliphant mp3 com

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