TreeView problems

A free copy (no make that two!) of Grip for Gnome2 to anyone who can help me with the following problems.

I've got a simple, three-column TreeView from a GktListStore. When the app is resized, I want the first column to expand while the second and third columns stay fixed size.

Even if I make the second and third colums fixed width (doing both 'set_sizing' and 'set_fixed_width') the third colum gets expanded when the app is resized. The documentation indicates that this will happen, but it makes my app look silly (the third column is a simple checkbox selection, while the first column has variable-sized text that could use the extra room). Any way I can work around this behavior?

Secondly, I want the first column to start a fixed size, regardless of the contents of the data in the list store. However, I also want to to be able to expand (either by the user resizing the column, or by the app being resized). As far as I can tell, the only way to make the column smaller that the size of the largest element is to set a fixed width or a max width, which interferes with resizing.

I'm at my wits end with this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Mike Oliphant                                      oliphant mp3 com

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