Re: Question of periodic display on spin button

Am Son, 2003-05-04 um 10.03 schrieb Michael Lam:
I am
quite new to this library and why my previous method doesnt work? and what's
the use of this gtk_main_iteration?
In simple words:

A gtk program stays the most time in gtk_main where the screen is
updated and gtk waits on events like button clicks. Only in gtk_main()
the gtk interface is redrawn. If you press a button a event is triggered
and your code does some stuff, maybe some gtk functions. But the display
changed is only performed if your event code ends and program comes back
to gtk_main.
gtk_main_iteration does the update of the screen in the same manner as
if you would be in gtk_main.

Fritz "der mit dem Linux tanzt" Ganter
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