Re: Question of periodic display on spin button

--- Original Message -----
From: "Fritz Ganter" <ganter ganter at>
To: "Michael Lam" <b456789 netvigator com>
Cc: "gnome gtk-app-devel-list" <gtk-app-devel-list gnome org>
Sent: Sunday, May 04, 2003 3:39 AM
Subject: Re: Question of periodic display on spin button

Am Sam, 2003-05-03 um 20.58 schrieb Michael Lam:
 spin button start changing value from 1 to 100 each second. However,
it is not the case. The values are not just updated as frequently as


  while (gtk_events_pending ())
    gtk_main_iteration ();
before the "sleep(1)".

Fritz "der mit dem Linux tanzt" Ganter
 Key fingerprint = 555A DDBB 3985 16FF CD41  2031 C485 1783 BF34 728F

gtk-app-devel-list mailing list
gtk-app-devel-list gnome org

It works! Thanks so much, Mr. Ganter. Can I ask one more question pls? I am
quite new to this library and why my previous method doesnt work? and what's
the use of this gtk_main_iteration?
Plus, when i used CList instead of spin button, the clist is able to display
the updated data each second and i really dont know why.  Thank you very

Michael Lam

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