Re: signals connection

wait a second :S

this is the prototype for g_free:

        void g_free (gpointer mem);

and this is the `catch all function pointer' GCallback

        void (*GCallback) (void);

so far so good....

but when it comes down to marshalling the signals
stack garbage will be collected as a return values
from `g_free' in consequence stopping signal emmision
(in most cases you wont have `0' sitting on the stack 
at that spot).

I'm not sure if that _completely_ stops the emission
of *that* signal or if it just stops signal emission
of that "stage" (stage 2 or 4).
(see "Description")

is not clear on that point IMHO.

Anyhow; its just food for thought ;-)


Evan Martin wrote:

On Thu, Mar 20, 2003 at 09:54:09AM -0500, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
Hmmm... it seems to mean that the callback will be called like this:

c_handler(G_OBJECT(data), detail, (gpointer) instance);
      instead of
c_handler(G_OBJECT(instance), detail, (gpointer) data);

(I guess where detail is often something like GdkEvent)

      I can't think of a practical reason for having such a
function but if its there; theres a good chance that its
usefull for something ;-)

To simply destroy "someobject" when "window" is destroyed, you can do

g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(window), "destroy",
        G_CALLBACK(g_free), someobject);

Because of the _swapped, "someobject" will be passed as the first
argument to g_free() so you can use g_free as a callback directly
instead of another function which would just call g_free anyway.

      Evan Martin
martine cs washington edu
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