Intercepting X events cleanly?

I am just trying to intercept X events cleanly and show a menu popup when
a button click happens on the root window.

If I use gdk_window_add_filter(), then I intercept all events before they
get delivered to GDK. If I do a *gtk_menu_popup* at this point, Xlib

Is there a cleaner way of doing things?


==> Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro <gjc inescporto pt>/6:19pm/Mar 11, 2003 <==

[On Dom, 2003-03-09 at 05:56, Ramkumar Chinchani wrote:
[> I have overridden the realize() function with my own for a widget that I
[> have written. I am attempting to set the event mask within this funtion as
[> follows.
[> << code start >>
[> void
[> wm_root_realize(GtkWidget *widget)
[> {
[>      WmRoot *wm_root;
[>      printf("realize\n");
[>      g_return_if_fail(widget != NULL);
[>      g_return_if_fail(IS_WM_ROOT(widget));
[>      wm_root = WM_ROOT(widget);
[>      widget->window = gdk_get_default_root_window();
[>      gtk_widget_set_events(widget, gtk_widget_get_events(widget) |
[>      g_object_ref(gdk_get_default_root_window());
[>      gdk_window_set_user_data(widget->window, widget);
[>      return;
[> }
[> << code end >>
[> It fails with this message:
[> Gtk-CRITICAL **: file gtkwidget.c: line 4877 (gtk_widget_set_events):
[> assertion `!GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (widget)' failed
[> GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED just seems to check the flags field, which I have set
[> to GTK_REALIZED already.
[> Why is this failing?
[  It's obvious :) You must be missing the little '!' that appears here:
[assertion `!GTK_WIDGET_REALIZED (widget)' failed
[You cannot add events to the event mask of an already realized widget.
[And what is it that you are doing? Changing widget's window to a
[reference to the root window? Is that necessary? Is that wise? :)
[> Thanks
[> -Ram
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[Gustavo Joćo Alves Marques Carneiro
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