Re: Workspace function in GTK ?

On Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 10:02:17PM -0800, Neeraj wrote:

Hi all !

Please help me on this :

I am developing a GUI application similar to an application in QT (camstream) for displaying different 
webcam windows.   

In QT we have a function :   Workspace = new QWorkspace(this);   

by which we can create a new workspace and put new small windows/internal frames in it and control them.

You mean like window-in-window MDI?? This is something of a touchy
issue in the community. MDI seems to be frowned upon in the X world, 
because it basically means that your app is doing the job of the 
window manager, but usually not as well or as flexibly. 

Ironically, even Microsoft now frowns on WiW MDI even though they can 
actually use it there because the "window manager" is piss poor.

If you want to see an MDI GTK+ app, look no further than The GIMP. Using
top level windows gives you no problems with virtual desktops, and with
a good window manager you should have no problem managing the windows.

In GNOME 1.4, there was a GnomeMDI. It used either tabbed notebooks or
toplevel windows.

So if you are doing an MDI app I suggest that you try a differnet
approach :) But if you really have an itch for a WiW MDI widget, I
suggest you search for GTK MDI. I recall a few people saying they had
developed such a widget.

Good luck,

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