item factory

I am hoping someone can help me out here. Initially the interface I have 
been working on was designed to be as generic as possible but now it is 
migrating, slowly, to incorporate model specific functionality. The 
menubar on the generic interface must now be able to contain menu items 
from a specific simulation model. I have made some progress but feel 
the need to ask the following question.

I figure I can no longer use the item factory to create my menubar 
and therefore, must resort to manual labor. Is this the case or can I 
take widgets from one item factory and insert them into a menubar created by 
another item factory? I don't really see how I can but perhaps someone 
knows if this can be done or even if I really want to try this.

Thanks in advance, 
George Strauss 
George Strauss, Programmer
L-3 Communications Analytics Corp. 2600 Park Tower Dr. Vienna, VA 22180
george strauss L-3Com com Phone# 703-645-8446

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