Re: key-release-event not detected

I used gtk_widget_set_events as well, to no avail. I am setting it on an
applet (which is a GtkBin), in which I've placed a single GtkImage. I
even did a gtk_widget_set_events and gave it nothing but the
KEY_RELEASE_MASK. The event mask was unchanged.

I shall try your suggestion of a sample program. I know I've used the
RELEASE_MASK myself in other projects.

Thanks for your help.


On Sat, 2003-06-14 at 14:05, Carlos Pereira wrote:
Try: gtk_widget_set_events 
as I suggested before, instead of: gtk_widget_add_events,
they are not the same (but I guess you already did it...)

key release events work fine for me, though I am setting 
the mask in a large drawing area, not directly on the 
top window, that might be worth to investigate also.

so if everything goes wrong, I suggest you write a 
10-line test program (hello world style) and after 
you get key release events with it, it's much easier 
to understand what the problem really is.

|   Loban Amaan Rahman  <-- anagram of -->  Aha! An Abnormal Man!   |
| loban earthling net, loban caltech edu, |

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