Re: gtk-demo

On Sat, 2003-07-12 at 21:03, Mohammed Sameer wrote:
On Sat, Jul 12, 2003 at 02:15:05PM +0200, mus47 voila fr wrote:
I  have a problem when using gtk2.0 in Mandrake 9.1 :
- In gtk-demo and precisely in the Text Widget part the arabic 
   characters are not connected 
Add the path containing the Arabic fonts to "/etc/fonts/fonts.conf"

What this means is that you have some font in your system that
pretends to cover Arabic, but just has the unconnected forms,
and not the real OpenType GSUB tables and connected forms.

The mostly likely culprit is the 'freefont' fonts. If you have
the Mandrake package for these installed, remove it.


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