Re: Label background transparency

Quoted by a gathering of dumb monkeys
For `"Ariel Fritz" <duin tutopia com>' 
On Friday, 11 July 2003 (14:17):

I´m trying to write an application in gtk. I need show a label on a video, and
I´d like that label´s background be transparent. 

        As you're displaying a video, draw the text with GDK functions. You want
gdk_draw_text; see the docs.

        However, GDK, for this kind of application, is too slow. You might consider
using SDL -- there's a GTK widget that swallows a SDL window lurking somewhere.


 Leandro Pereira              (oO)           <leandro linuxmag com br>

          "Ás vezes você está discutindo com um imbecil...
                  e ele também." --Millôr Fernandes

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