Re: can i use a cross-compiler?

jantonio leonardo amena es wrote:

I'm developing a gtk+ applicacion in SUSE LINUX in a Intel III PC.

But this application will be run in a SUN Solaris machine ( with a sparc
processor) under UNIX system V, but the administrators don't let us install
any program in these workstations.
So, can i compile in SUSE my application and generate a binary file for the
workstation with gcc as a cross-compiler?

Has anybody had any expierence with this?

I have done exactly this. There is a way to do it that is presumably much easier than using a cross-compiler, because the cross compiler is not going to resolve library and dependency issues in the same way.

The solution I used was simply to install as an unpriviledged user. This works fine, and the majority of GNU software understands the "--prefix=" directive. I installed (at least) automake, autoconf, glib, gtk+, and my own application this way.

For convenience, I used a layout similar to the default.

mkdir ~/usr
mkdir ~/usr/local

export LOCAL_INSTALL=~/usr/local

Then, every time you build and install a library or tool, every configure becomes:

./configure --prefix=$LOCAL_INSTALL

You may want to add the 'export' lines to the end of your .bash_login or .bashrc file.

Works "auto" magically.  Hail the GNU!  :)

Note: the above may have syntax errors, and is slightly bash-specific


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