Re: gdk_imlib - libpng - redhat 8

Paul Cheyrou-lagreze <Paul Cheyrou-Lagreze inrialpes fr> writes:

As we're going to make an new release, we are trying to find a solution in order to make Amaya work on 
RedHat 8.

But building binary that is statically or linked dynamically with
libpng, and linked dynamically with gdk_imlib just crash on Redhat 8
(but not on Redhat 7 or any Mandrake)...
You are claiming that binaries built from scratch on Red Hat 8 have

Seems a bit unlikely, but I suppose it's conceivable, since we try
pretty hard to avoid using gdk_imlib these days, so it doesn't
get a whole lot of testing.

Can't that be that gdk_imlib was compiled against a libpng that is
not the one distributed with Redhat ?

I don't believe so. gdk_imlib links against against libpng12 and
only libpng12.

$ rpm -qp --requires imlib-1.9.13-9.i386.rpm  | grep png

It's not suprising to me if binaries built on older versions
of Red Hat that link both to libpng and gdk_imlib don't
work on Red Hat 8. It would be suprising to me if a binary
built on Red Hat 8 doesn't work on Red Hat 8.


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