Re: gdk_imlib - libpng - redhat 8

Paul Cheyrou-lagreze <Paul Cheyrou-Lagreze inrialpes fr> writes:

When our user run Amaya (, 
they get a segfault.
It seems to come from a problem between libgtk and libpng.
It only happens on redhat 8.

Do someone has a clue about that ?

(Our users told us that it doesn't happen with redhat 7.2, debian, mandrake)

Not much information here:

 - What version of GTK+? Imlib? etc.
 - How did you (or the user) build the binary 
 - Backtrace
 - Etc.

One possible problem is that if your binary is linked against 
libpng10 directly you may run into problems with imlib on 
Red Hat 8 which uses libpng-1.2.

Running software compiled on Red Hat 7.x is generally not supported
with Red Hat 8.0 -- it usually works, but we don't make any
guarantees in this area, especially for libraries like Imlib.


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