First of all you take one UNIX Task than you call a fork system call to split this tasks into 2 (you also can take the system command to start a second task but so not forget to add the & at the end of the command line else the calling task will wait until the system command has finished) For the fork system call there is an example in the unix manual. You get a son and a child process independent running. With a standard UNIX book you should understand a try a small example Hallo World1 and Hallo Word2 in 1 day. For data exchange there a different ways. I would not prefer stdin, stdout One is to use a ip socket technic to communicate over ports , but you have to install the port description on the system. I suggest to lock at the shared memory technic and send a signal to the other process every time new Date are available. May be it takes a one ore two weeks about shared memmory but it works. Good Luck Günther -- R=I+S Rapp Informatik Systeme GmbH Rosenbühlstr. 24 D-89182 Bernstadt Tel: +49 (0)7348-7755 Fax: +49 (0)7348-6086 E-MAIL mailto: guenther rapp-informatik de WEB
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