Re: Memory woes

--- Tristan Van Berkom <vantr touchtunes com> wrote:
               <snip for brevity> 
anyhow... I'm sure you've got enough information to proceed. (pretty cool
feature for the C compiler ;D )

Hi Tristan! First of all, thanks for all the info. However, if there was a hint
in there regarding my main problem, i.e why at some places gdb doesn't see 
_no_fetch_on_load as a member of the Group whilst it sees the other 2 guint 
members of the struct, well I didn't get it. In the following:
static void
switch_to_group (gpointer callobj, gpointer callarg, gpointer client)
        Group * group = GROUP (client);
        gboolean  tmp = group->_no_fetch_on_load;
        group->_no_fetch_on_load = TRUE;
72      if (group->article_qty > 0)
                articlelist_set_group (group);
        group->_no_fetch_on_load = tmp;
I'd set a breakpoint at line 72. I am stumped to have gdb tell me that
group->_no_fetch_on_load is 0 at this point!!!
Worse, inside articlelist_set_group(), that member simply disappears as far
as gdb is concerned. But the compiler didn't complain when I dereferenced it.

If anyone is willing to help me track down this bug, let me know, I'll post
the patch to Pan- that I've got so far and you'll get to try and
see if the problem replicates itself.


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