hi and problems with GScanner

Hi, im new to this list, so HELLO everybody. My English is poor so i hope everyone forgive that, thanks! :)

        I've a question about the struct GScanner. I add a symbol to the struct but, i don't get the 
G_TOKEN_SYMBOL token. My code is:

        // begin public declartions---------------------------->>

        enum {
                SYMBOL_SUMA = G_TOKEN_LAST + 1,
                SYMBOL_RESTA = G_TOKEN_LAST + 2,
                SYMBOL_MULTI = G_TOKEN_LAST + 3,
                SYMBOL_DIV = G_TOKEN_LAST + 4,
                SYMBOL_DIV_ENT = G_TOKEN_LAST + 5,
                SYMBOL_POTEN = G_TOKEN_LAST + 6

        static const struct {
                gchar *symbol_name;
                guint symbol_token;
        } simbolos[] = {
        { "+", SYMBOL_SUMA, },
        { "-", SYMBOL_RESTA, },
        { "*", SYMBOL_MULTI, },
        { "/", SYMBOL_DIV, },
        { "\\", SYMBOL_DIV_ENT, },
        { "^", SYMBOL_POTEN, },
        { NULL, 0, },
        }, *simbolos_p = simbolos;

        //main function--------------------------------->>

        GScanner* gscanner = g_scanner_new(NULL);

        gscanner->config->numbers_2_int = TRUE;
        gscanner->config->int_2_float = TRUE;
        gscanner->config->symbol_2_token = TRUE;

        while (simbolos_p->symbol_name) {
                g_scanner_scope_add_symbol(gscanner, 0, simbolos_p->symbol_name, simbolos_p->symbol_token);

        g_scanner_input_text(gscanner, strEntrada, intLongTexto);

        while (g_scanner_peek_next_token(gscanner) != G_TOKEN_EOF) {
                if (g_scanner_get_next_token(gscanner) == G_TOKEN_SYMBOL) {
                        g_printf("You have found it!!!");


        I parse a string with an expression (i.e. 2+123/23*12) but the last bucle doesn't find any 
G_TOKEN_SYMBOL. why is it that way? If anyone can help me i'll be very grateful.

Thanks by now!

Alejandro Cámara Iglesias

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