Re: speeding up GtkTreeView?

Op di 11-02-2003, om 21:21 schreef Brett Nash:
How do I improve the speed of GtkTreeView?

Lacking freeze or thaw, I found a neat way was to create a second model
for the treeview, then switch the model to dummy one while loading, then
switch back once you are finished.   I haven't benchmarked this in my app
as currently my parsers speed is the main limitation.

I like the idea.
So I could load a partial dataset and display it. In the meantime the
rest of the data is loaded in the background and displayed when it's

Another annoying thing I noticed: doing massive updates to a treeview is
really slow. I am using a 8 column display with 1200 rows. In my
application I delete a row and update the first column of all the rows.
The update takes about 1 second on a 1.4 GHz Athlon. In the meantime the
gui is totally blocked.


Thanks for sharing your ideas.


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