persistent popup menus


I would like to know how to create a "persistent" popup menu, meaning a menu that does not get hidden when one of its items is activated. The menu should only go away when the user clicks somewhere on the screen that is not in the menu area, or if my program specifically tells it to popdown.

I currently implement such a menu in my programs by assigning a callback function to the "hide" event of the menu. This callback function simply pops up the menu again using gtk_menu_popup if the user clicks on an item in the menu. The menu is popped up again in the same location thus giving the illusion that it was never hidden in the first place. Although this is a satisfactory way of doing it on a decent computer because the hiding and redisplaying of the menu is done quickly and unnoticably, I am writing these programs for use on an iPAQ-type handheld which has much more limited resources. The hiding of the menu due to the activation of one of its items and then its redisplay is very noticeable, and the popup menu flashes briefly. This flashing gets rather annoying after a while and looks unprofessional.

I have a need for this type popup menu because the popup menus I am using in my programs contain grouped radio and check menu items and I want the user to be able to select multiple options from the menu without having to click somewhere to popup the menu again after he selects an option. Please let me know if there is a way to do this in GTK 1.2 or if not then what alternatives I can look to in order to accomplish such a thing. Thanks.

- Frank

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