don't understand, memory leak or memory pools??

Hi all,

if I open 200 files in the bluefish editor (using gtk-2.2.0) the memory
usage climbs to about 40Mb. If I close all those files, the memory remains
at 40Mb, sounds like a memory leak. But if I open those 200 files again,
the memory remains constant. If I open 100 _other_ files, the memory still
remains at 40M. So it seems gtk does some caching of some sort, and that
cache remains at the maximum size ever used. 

This is very impractical when working with very many files, I opened about
3000 files in bluefish and the memory was around 200Mb, and after closing
the 3000 files it again remained at that size..

is there indeed some memory management in gtk that keeps memory around in
pools? Can I make gtk free some of that memory? keeping the memory for
3000 TextView-widgets around is not very useful..

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