GtkTreeView Callback Function

Hi there!

I have a question related to the GtkTreeView in GTK 2. 

In a GtkListStore I have a list of filenames. And if a row gets
double-klicked (or "activated" in gtk words) I just want to know the
number of the row, for example the number `2' if the user clicks the
second row (or the third if counting starts at `0'). I have connected
the following signal to receive information about a double click:

            void        user_function      (GtkTreeView *treeview,  
                                            GtkTypeTreePath arg1,    
                                            GtkTreeViewColumn *arg2,
                                            gpointer user_data);

Now, how to get the number of the clicked row?


Simon Fuhrmann | NightSlayer gmx de |
All people talk about the real life, but where can i download it?

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