Re: Transparency ?

On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 08:51, StÃphane Konstantaropoulos wrote:
Le lun 03/02/2003 Ã 20:10, Stephane Wirtel a Ãcrit :
Is there to have a background transparent for a Widget ? by example a
GtkEventBox ?

because i found a python code, and this application show a transparent

To my knowledge, there is no alpha channel in the colours attributed to
widgets, each colour has RGB attributes, not RGBA.

Anybody has something better to say?

Hey QT does it (hardware with XRender)...

Can you post the code somewhere so that I can have a look?

Widget's can certainly draw with alpha - though only widgets that 
are drawing on their parent's widgets windows... windows can't
be transparent.

The only graphics primitive in GTK+ that supports alpha, however
is drawing GdkPixbuf (gdk_draw_pixbuf() in 2.2, it has a different
name in 2.0). 

So, the main examples you'll find of translucent widgets are:

 - The GtkImage widget
 - The pixbuf theme engine in gtk-engines. (Some themes on use alpha fairly extensively.)

It's likely that a future version of GTK+ will have a full set
of antialiased and alpha-blended primitives, but that will be
a ways off.


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