Re: [newbie] How to plot to drawing_area

On Monday, February 3, 2003, at 04:52 PM, Roland Smith wrote:

Well, nowadays you'll probably get fewer complaints if you say "only works on 24
or 16 bits colordepth". Certainly for a scientific app.

You have a point there. Hmm...

GdkRGB is pretty fast. but you could deploy the GUI from a different process if you do now want it to impede the app. Look at g_spawn_async_with_pipes() in the Glib manual. Just spawn the GUI, write the RGB data to the pipe, and have the
GUI process read and display it.

I'll have to learn about pipes and such, because at this point I don't know enough.

If you might want a GUI later, then don't implement in xlib now, or you'll be
rewiting it later. :-)

Yes, you do have a point. I also want to see how satisfactory it is with no GUI, just the window, because I want this to depend on the least possible number of libraries, and more people have xlib than have Gtk. On the other hand, I could do the floating palette in Gtk, and connect the close button for example to an xlib function that kills the display window... in any case that is quite far down the road.


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