Re: gdtk_draw_text deprecated , what use instead of it ?

Paul Pogonyshev wrote:

Tom Liu wrote:
You should use pango, read the FAQ came with GTK document,there is an
example over there.

I once raised this issue but got no answer.  Consider a chess board:

  a b c d e f g h
8                  8
7                  7
6                  6
5                  5
4                  4
3                  3
2                  2
1                  1
  a b c d e f g h

To draw the labels with Pango one would need 32 layout structures, unless
i miss something.  Ok, moving further.  I'm writing a program that is an
interface for the game of go.  Standard go board (goban) is 19x19 and so
i would have to use 76 Pango layouts, which is simply ridiculous.

Hmm, why not to use pango_layout_set_text() and exactly one layout ? Have 76 layouts around looks weird, of course...

I think deprecating gdk_draw_text() was a hastily decision.  I can see
absolutely no point in creating a layout for drawing a single letter (or
even two, like "15") at a certain position.  I understand that Pango
provides better support for unicode, can break lines and so on.  But if
i simply don't need any of its features?

If you dont need pango - use raw X lib functions. gdk_draw_text() has no significant advantages over XDraw[Image]String[16].

It seems to me it was better to _recommend_ using Pango layouts for most
purposes, rather than deprecating gdk_draw_text() completely.  You cannot
say that any characters drawn need to be text.  And Pango layouts are
there to handle exactly text, not single characters.

Performance issues mentioned here are also a good reason to resurrect
gdk_draw_text().If no one can point me to a nice and simple way of drawing 76+ labels
scattered on a widget using Pango layouts, i think i'll have to use
gdk_draw_text().  And i can't say i like it this way, because i
currently compile my program with *_DISABLE_DEPRECATED flags defined.

What CPU usage 'top' shows when you run your program ? If its a user-driver program that outputs some lines of text after key pressed or mouse moved you can still use pango with ease - system will not suffer. The main benefits (as for me) from pango - scalable fonts support and i18n support.


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