Re: How to display video in a gtk application?

Quoted by a bunch of magic droids
For `Wangxiaohu <skybird 163 com>' 
On Sunday, 28 December 2003 (04:52):

 I am working on a course project which displays the video from webcam in
 a gtk application. Which is the best way to do this? Am I required to
 know something about Xv, SDL or DRI?
        This tarball includes a GTK Widget that can display video from a V4L device:

        Have fun ;)


 Leandro Pereira              (oO)           <leandro linuxmag com br>
                              /||\        , #debian-br
        <glommer> cartão perfurado orientado a objetos, imagina ?
        <UdontKnow> cartao eh objeto, ora

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