multi langage and GtkTreeView

Hello world !

I'm currently on a project that use both chinese and french (kind of
dictionary and other learning related tools).
so I need my app to display both french's not-ascii chars, and chinese...
You'll say, "no problem with UTF-8" and you'd be right : it work well
under GNU/Linux (thank's to everybody behind GTK and Glib !)
"but" I'd like to port my app to ms windows... and here come the problems...
to display my text correctly (for exemple with a GtkTextBuffer), I need
to tell the program wich font to use (french one or chinese one), on
Linux, the right font is selected automaticaly.
I can do this when text is in a textview or any widget using a
textbuffer. But when I want to use GtkTreeView, the CellRender seems to
use a kind of "plain text" rendering, I mean, I can select only one font
for a cell... And it can happen that there is both french and chinese in
my cells.

So, what should I do ?
->create a new cell renderer ?
->re-read Pango's doc, this should work automaticaly under windows too !
->do a "not so hard to do" hack somewhere in the gtk-win32 lib, this
would help everybody ? (can you help me to find out where the problem is
located, I'm not dumb, only low experienced, but if this can help, I'll
do it. And this will be a good experience for me)
->any other idea ? you are welcome !

thank you !

Pierre Magistry

courriel : pmagistry ifrance com
tel. mobile : 06 32 36 66 98
ICQ : 31360644
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