Re: Can you get asleep and be awakened?

Maurizio Colucci wrote:

I am developing this free file manager (see screenshots and
download it at ! It is already working.)
with SWI-prolog and GTK+, and I need to schedule actions to be executed in
the future. For example, you could choose to shut down the computer at a
precise time.

I don't know where to start. I know that I need to register myself to some
kind of timer and get asleep. But where? I already get asleep waiting for a
GTK event... I cannot be sleeping in two places. So I guess GTK should
provide this kind of functionality (awaking you at a precidse time). Could
you please give me some hint, so we can all use my program :-) ?

I assume that such scheduled actions don't need to be run at exactly the
specified time (would anyone care about a second or even five for this
matter?)  If you think the same, you could just add a timeout event source
that would wake your application up every second or five or whatever period
suites your needs.  This is negligible regarding performance impact.

Paul Pogonyshev

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