Drag from GtkTreeView to GtkTextView

Hi all,

I'm converting a Gtk1.2 app to Gtk2. I've changed the old table widget to a GtkTreeView. But now the old drag/drop code doesn't work. I've tried calling gtk_tree_view_enable_model_drag_source() on the GtkTreeView, and this gets the drag part working, but the receiving GtkTextView (which has gtk_drag_dest_set() called on it) never receives the drag_data_received signal. I guess because it's mixing the old low level drag/drop features with the new GtkTreeView drag/drop interfaces?

What's the 'proper' gtk2 way to implement a drag/drop from a GtkTreeView to a GtkTextView? I actually just need the text string from the first column of the table to be inserted into the text view.


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