Re: gtk drag and drop behavior under windows 2000, wine

On Sunday August 17 2003 01:15 CEST, Michael Torrie wrote:
On Sat, 2003-08-16 at 14:25, Matthias Mann wrote:
Do you really beleve that WINE libraries and M$WIN
libraries are the same?

You misunderstand.  The GTK libraries are the same,
Yes! Gtk libraries may be the same. But don't forget that Gtk
libraries depends on xlibs/MS-Win libs. What i mean is that a
Windows 2000 on WINE is not the same than a real Windows 2000.
WINE may be a great VM. But a running stand alone Windows is
more clean and less buggy.
For some reason in my w2k vmware box, it did not.  But
under a real 2000 and xp box, it all works.)
May be possible you can solve this by modifying your Gtk+ code.
But it's always known that not all MS-Win software is running
under WINE. So my suggestion is to develop with a real Windows
box if your binaries shall be runable under Win (at least for
developing such extensions that makes problems under WINE).
Sorry that i have no better ideas. It's a bit confusing me that
your code is running in WINE and not in MS-Win. And all i can
say for this: I'm using Gtk+-2.2.2, have found no bugs so i can
say the newest Gtk+ is very stable. I think WINE is the problem
and in your situation i would forget about WINE till the prog
is ready for a release. And then you can look for the result by
running this prog under WINE (if necessary).

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