Re: [gtk2]: gtktreeview signal when one left click ?

* TORRI Vincent <Vincent Torri math u-bordeaux fr>:

 I've search the API and in the mailing list without finding what I want : 
a event which would be sent by a gtktreeview when one left click (once !, 
not double-click, that is the "row-activated" signal).

Does anybody know the answer (even a trick to get the row and the column 
of the treeview, when one left click on the treeview) ?

I've done this for creating a context menu on a GtkTreeView, using
Python + PyGTK.


Just connect the "button-press-event" of the GtkTreeView widget, and
check for the "button" field of the event (GdkEventButton). If you want
ot retrieve the row, use the gtk_tree_view_get_path_at_pos() function.
That function uses the x and y coordinates relative to the widget in order
to get you the path at those coordinates (use the x and y fields of the
GdkEventButton struct).

Hope This Helps,

Emmanuele Bassi (Zefram)           [ ]
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